A Nautilus-shape created from ten beaded crochet bracelets

Six Swans Designs

Beaded Jewelry, Embroidery, and Accessories

Currently in Stock

Lois McMaster Bujold
Copperhead Road
Christmas Ornaments
Assorted fandoms

Please browse the pages and email me if you wish to make a purchase.

Custom designs

 Do you have a six-inch wrist and can't find bracelets any smaller than 7 1/2 inches? Or a ten-inch wrist, and you can't find bracelets larger than 7 1/2?

 Are you 6 feet, 6 inches tall and need a shimmering, glittering lariat to go with a special dress, but all the ones you find in the store look more like a choker when you try them on? Or are you four feet, eleven inches, size 0 and everything you find in the store makes you look like you've been playing in your mother's jewelry box?

 Do you find that "Once Size Fits All". . . .Doesn't.

 Do you have problems with mobility or dexterity and have problems with the clasps on everything you find in the store?

At Six Swans Designs, all of these are "No Problem." Whether it's a sixty-inch lariat made of pearls or Swarovski (TM) crystals, a bracelet or necklace with magnatic clasp that will fasten itself once you get the halves of the clasps within an inch of each other--and open safely if the jewlery gets hung on something, Velcro (TM) hook-and-loop closures, endless loop necklaces that will slip over your head, or beaded crochet bracelets that just roll over your hand. All these, and more, are possible. If you can dream it; I can create it.

Please contact me by email to discuss your design needs. All custom orders require a 50% non-refundable deposit.

Six Swans Designs accepts PayPal, Certified Checks, and Western Union Money Transfers

Bracelets | Necklaces | Earrings | Lois McMaster Bujold | Christmas Ornaments | Assorted Fandoms |

Page Created and Maintained by Patricia A. Swan (c) Copyright 2002